Bigfoot Snake Removal Services

In the mountainous areas of North Carolina and North Georgia, venomous snakes are a typical concern of property owners.
Copperheads on the porch, Rattlesnakes hiding under wood piles, and Cottonmouths near streams and rivers.

Bigfoot Wildlife solutions can come out for emergency services involving snakes, such as a snake in the house/ cabin, snake on the porch, under a hot tub, in a crawl space, etc.

Structural snake removal, trapping, exclusion, and landscaping modifications in the North Carolina and North Georgia mountains.

Snake removal is more of an emergency service as it involves locating the snake(s) on site and removing when applicable. This method works best when the client has seen the snake within the last hour or can have a visual on the troublesome snake until Bigfoot can arrive on the scene.

Snake Trapping

Snake trapping programs and services are for clients that frequently see snakes around or in the perimeter of a structure . Bigfoot utilizes a wide variety of proven solutions for snake trapping programs.

Snake exclusion services are when we perform sealing of areas around structures to make it impervious for snakes to enter. Mortar, concrete, and metal are typically utilized in most snake exclusion services around the mountainous areas. Porches, sheds, and decks often require dig barriers around them to keep out snakes and the prey they are often chasing underneath. Bigfoot Wildlife solutions offers solutions for all these areas.

Snake landscaping modifications is typically something most clients choose to do on their own. This involves removing debris around the structure and nearby areas, trimming bushes and shrubs, removal of other inviting places for snakes to hide.

With the exception of emergency snake removal services, we typically start with a general inspection of the property and assess the concerns/ property issues before recommending either a snake trapping program or snake exclusion services. Sometimes these services go hand in hand and both must be done to effectively rid the property of the snake issues.

Sometimes it is not venomous snakes, but non venomous snakes as well. The rat snake is rather large and preys on multiple Wildlfe that commonly brings them into close proximity of structures and humans. Corn snakes are often misidentified as copperheads and are found in similar places. Various water snake species are also commonly misidentified as cottonmouths.

If you are unsure as to the species of a snake, Do Not Touch It!