Do you think you might have squirrels in your attic? If you are hearing scratching from your attic you might.  Squirrels can be a huge problem in residential areas in Cherokee County.  If you see them on your roof or in trees right around your home, they may be using your attic as shelter.  These little critters will see your attic as a dry, comfortable place to live.  It is also a great place for them to give birth to babies. This usually happens twice a year. Once from June-August and then from December-February. During these months they are especially likely to look for shelter in your attic. They will use materials from your attic or what they bring in to build nests. Everything is fair game for them from your insulation to your belongings. Call us for an inspection and our team will be there to evaluate the situation in your home and give you a plan for trapping and removing them.



Once inside your attic, they will begin building nests.  Your insulation is a great material for this.  They will tear pieces of it causing your insulation to be less effective.  They will also leave droppings and urine causing the insulation to become saturated.  This may mean replacement of the insulation. These pests can also damage electrical wiring.  Their teeth continue to grow forever so they need to chew.  Frayed or chewed wires can be fire hazards.  Bigfoot Wildlife Solutions will be with you every step of the way.  Getting them out early on will prevent many costly repairs.  We are ready to inspect your attic and home.


Handling a squirrel infestation involves more than just removing the animals. We start with an inspection of your home and attic.  Determining where they are entering the attic and how many there are is important to the next step of sealing the entry point and setting traps.  After they are all taken out of the attic it is time to clean up and repair.  Animals can create a lot of waste in a short time.  All of that will need to be cleaned and the surfaces in the area will need to be disinfected. The insulation will also need to be inspected. Squirrels build nests so they usually use pieces of insulation as building material.  Insulation can also be covered in waste. In these cases it will need to be replaced. This is not something that you should do without the proper equipment. There may also be other damages like chewed electrical wires and wood that needs to be replaced.  We have a team of experts that are ready and more than able to tackle every part of the job. From inspection to repairs, we are trained to handle it all, making it as easy as possible for you.  Squirrels can be a nuisance, don’t allow them to invade your Murphy home and take away your peace of mind.  Call us today to schedule a no obligation inspection