Woodpecker Control

Bigfoot wildlife solutions can deter, remove, haze, and exclude woodpeckers from structures in Murphy depending on the situation. During the juvenile season it is unlawful to disrupt the nests if they have eggs or fledglings inside. The same law pertains to all migratory protected species. After the fledglings are able to fly out on their own accord, we can exclude them from the area(s) of concern, and deter them from various other areas.

No two jobs are the same, so we will typically assess the structure(s) prior to coming up with a game plan.The most effective woodpecker deterrent is the Intimidator woodpecker deterrent.
We utilize these more than anything else on woodpecker jobs. When installed correctly, they are very efficient. Other products such as netting, and optical disks have their places as well depending on the area(s) and circumstances. Call us for woodpecker control in Cherokee County North Carolina.

woodpecker control twin cities

Types Of Nuisance Woodpeckers in Murphy

  • Pileated
  • Downy
  • Hairy
  • Red headed
  • Red bellied
  • Northern flicker
  • Yellow bellied
  • 3 toed
  • Black backed

The largest woodpecker is the Pileated. They typically cause the most damage to property like siding and chimneys .Downy and hairy woodpeckers look very similar in coloration and size. The hairy woodpecker is slightly larger than the downy.

All woodpeckers can cause damage to property for several reasons, sometimes its food related as they can smell bugs such as carpenter ants, bees, and beetles. They then proceed to peck various small size holes to locate the bugs and eat them.

Other times woodpeckers are making holes on structures just for the noises they resonate. During mating season they will drum persistently to let the others know they are around and ready to mate. Other reasons for woodpeckers to drum is territorial. To discourage other woodpeckers from entering their territories, and claiming it as their own.

The final reason woodpeckers make holes in structures is for nesting purposes. During the spring months they will nest for laying eggs and raising young. In winter months it’s primarily for warmth due to man made structures typically having some form of insulation.